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Auto Refresh Web Page / Web Page Auto Refresher

There are some web pages which you would like to have them automatically refresh or reload . For example, you might want to check the newest bidding price of an item on eBay, or you want to check emails periodically, or you want to check the most recent news automatically. It would be painful for you to click the refresh / reload button manually every time you want to refresh the web page.

The auto refresher feature in SlimBrowser make it easy for you to auto refresh web pages at a specified time period. All you have to do is to the web page that you would like auto refresh first. Then select the menu "View -> Auto Refresh -> Set Period...". You will see the following dialog,

auto refresh auto reload

Enter the auto refresh period in seconds and click OK. After that, the current web page will be automatically refreshed / reloaded at the specified time period.

If you would like to auto refresh all the web pages, you can select the menu "View -> Auto Refresh All Pages". After that, all the opened web pages will be automatically refreshed at the specified period.


If you are not yet an existing SlimBrowser user, Download SlimBrowser for FREE Now to start enjoying the "auto refresh web page" feature and a lot more other powerful features available in SlimBrowser.

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Related Keywords

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